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Why You Need a Pool Cover

Posted on 2022-02-16 12:07:23

One of the best ways to keep a treasured car looking its best is to keep it undercover as much as possible. After all, the sun can be particularly damaging in Australia, and the less time your pride and joy is exposed to the elements, the less time you’ll need to spend cleaning it.

A similar principle applies to pools, but the benefits of keeping them shielded are even greater. In fact, a strong, suitably-sized pool cover is a must for anyone that wants to get maximum enjoyment out of their pool for minimum cost.

pool cover

What Do Pool Covers Do?


Whether you know them as ‘pool covers’ or ‘pool blankets’, they’re a necessity in all seasons in Australia.

Perhaps the most obvious advantage of using one is that they prevent leaf litter and other debris from entering your pool in the first place. Not only does this reduce the time you’ll need to spend on the business end of a scoop, it can also cut down on your use of chemicals. 

With dirt and other contaminants unable to penetrate the water’s surface, algae-cultivating UV rays effectively blocked, and existing chemicals prevented from evaporating, covers reduce the amount of additives that you need overall, and help you get the biggest bang for your buck from those that you do buy.

Of course, H20 is the main chemical you want in your pool, but without a cover it too can vanish before your eyes. It’s not unusual for an unprotected pool to lose an average of 6 mm of water per day through the evaporating effect of strong winds and soaring air temperatures. Thankfully, covers help slash this figure by up to 99.84%. 

With water remaining where it ought to be, the cost to heat your pool can also be kept in check. Serving as a barrier between the cold air and warmer water, pool covers can increase the amount of heat retained by 75 per cent, leading to significant electricity savings. 

Yielding so many benefits, it’s little wonder why pool owners right across the country swear by this simple piece of equipment.


When Should I Use It?


To enjoy the savings in time and money listed above, pool covers can be used year-round in Australia. Simply remove the cover when you’re ready to have a splash, and replace it once you’re done. 

It should be noted, however, that if you want to warm your pool so you can comfortably swim at night, there’s little harm in temporarily removing the cover before sundown to bring the water up to temperature, provided it’s a humid day with little wind.


How To Choose The Right Pool Cover


When selecting a cover, look for one that’s affordable, durable, and UV resistant. 

We’re proud to say that Poolset now offers a range of covers that meet those criteria and more. They feature premium quality 500 micron, super heavy duty LDPE construction, and are available in a variety of sizes. Backed by a 2-year warranty, you can be confident they'll keep your pool looking its sparkling best for years to come with minimal maintenance. 

Check out the range, or peruse our blog for more information on how to look after your pool.